


Circle Of Friends provides very helpful resources for the employer. Research by the Harvard Business School notated “hidden workers” as those being missing from the workforce. Not intentionally, but because workers in “disadvantaged” groups are often overlooked in the workforce. That’s where your company can make a difference.

People with disabilities are eager to contribute and make an impact, just as anyone else. Untapped talent are the hidden gems employers often miss out on. There’s a whole group of talented individuals ready to bring their creativity and skills to your workplace. It’s about being intentional with how you recruit, communicate, and welcome talent. 

Employer Can Experience

  • Lower absenteeism
  • Truly be seen as a equal opportunity employer
  • Improved morale
  • Welcoming workplace 
  • An inclusive culture build on open-mindness and respect

We want to help you build a better workplace. Our specialized team is here to coach, educate, and support your business with welcoming a diverse workforce. At Circle of Friends, we consistently strive to connect untapped talent with competitive employment. 

How Circle of Friends Can Help Your Business


  • Recruit talented individuals to fill positions
  • Educate team members on disability inclusion
  • Coach and support managers on ADA compliance and managing diverse team
  • Analyze workflow processes to identify particular task that can be bundled into one role
  • Provide on the job support for employees at no cost to your business

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